Friday 15 May 2009

Oooops! Forgot to update on my walking...

Well I did my last training walk this week. Only did 4 miles.

I have been decorating my bra and it's all finished. Just as well really as the walk is TOMORROW!!

I'm feeling nervous, sick and excited. I'm sure everyhing is going to be fine and dandy but it's the not knowing that's doing my nut in!

I've raised well over £450 now so i'm really chuffed and am very grateful to everyone that has sponsored me.

We're dropping the kids off at my parents tomorrow at about 5pm to give us plenty of time to get into London. I will report back with pictures of me and my medal very soon.

Thanks for reading xx

Sunday 3 May 2009

I DID IT (well almost)!!!

Yesterday was the day of the 20 mile walk!

I was up and out of the door for 0640. I was feeling good and the sun was shining. My iPod was loaded with music and podcasts and I was wearing a pretty pink bumbag with odds and sods in!
I didn't walk overly fast as I knew I was going to be walking for quite a while so I didn't want to wear myself out in the first hour. 
There were quite a lot of hills in yestrdays walk. I was toying with the idea of going back down to Southsea and just walking on the flat, up and down the prom but it's quite boring.

I enjoy walking up the hills. Once you have a rythm going it's ok. It's walking downhill I find really hard. You have to control your legs not to run away from your body and your toes get pushed forward in your shoes which hurts.

I walked in 3 different counties. West Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire. I walked to Fernhurst, Grayswood, Hindhead and then Grayshott. I got to about 16 miles and I could feel a problem with one of my toes. My feet really started to hurt and so did my calves. I hit a bit of a wall and wanted to have a really good cry.

I took a deep breath, looked up to my Nan and Grandad and carried on. I managed to walk another 2 miles before feeling like my toe was about to drop off before calling Darren to come to my rescue.

It felt like heaven to sit down. I got home and into a lovely hot bath and then went to bed for an hour.

I only managed 19 miles and that took me 6 hours but I was very proud to have completed those 19 miles. I'm hoping on the night the adrenalin will help me (along with the pain killers!!)

I've got a few more walks to do in the next 2 weeks but that's that big one done. Until the actual night of course.

I'm hurting like hell today. We took the kids to Southsea and walked another 2.2 miles along the sea front. Time for painkillers and a chill on the sofa.

Cheers for reading xx

Wednesday 29 April 2009


My back is feeling a lot better than it did a few days ago! Still not brilliant but not terrible either.

I'm going to try and go out in the morning for an hour or so.
I don't intend on doing miles and miles but I need to see how it feels before I try and do a big 
long walk at the weekend. I am hoping for 18 miles this weekend. It is a bit daunting especially with a less than 
perfect back but I need to give it a go. I will go armed with painkillers and deepheat rub to get me by.

I dyed my bra PINK today and it looks great. It's still wet but even wet the colour looks really good. I got 2 iron on 
rhinestone Breast Cancer ribbon motifs to put on the front and I will add sparkles around them. Pictures to follow.

I will let you know how I get on tomorrow. Wish me luck with the back. I think i'm going to need it!

Saturday 25 April 2009

Well that's messed up that idea!!!!

I'm currently sat on the sofa in agony!! My back has gone funny again and it really hurts. I felt it twang as I got into the car this morning and has gradually gotten worse and worse. I can't stand up straight either.

I am sat here with a heat pack on in the hope that it might help and I've also taken pain killers. This keeps happening every few weeks so I think it's time I saw someone!!

I'm gutted as I am all geared up to do my 18 mile walk tomorrow which looks like an impossibility right now.

Oh well I have 2 more weekends after this one to get my 18 and 20 mile walks done. Hopefully I won't be out of action for too long :-( 

Friday 24 April 2009

7 miles walked yesterday

That was a nice walk. I had a good mix of hills which was welcome after walking on the flat at Southsea last weekend. It was really quite warm as well.

I added up today that I have walked 95 miles for far in my training. Not as many miles that I should have walked I don't think but at least I have trained and not left it until the last minute. I have got to walk 16 or 18 miles this weekend. Of course I'd love to get the 18 under my belt which just leaves 20 for next weekend. I'll see how it goes.

My booklet arrived yesterday with the route in which is quite exciting. It doesn't look very far on the map!!!

I'll write again after my weekend walk. I hope the weather stays nice but rain is forecast x

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Feeling better!

I can actually walk today without every footstep hurting! 2 days since my walk. The weather is getting hotter. It's supposed to be 18 degrees tody, 19 tomorrow and 20 on Thursday with isn't so great as that's when i'm doing my next walk. It'll only be an 8 miler as it's when Elliott's at nursery. I need to remember i'm going for distance NOT speed.

I keep forgetting and set off too fast and get a bit tired out at about the 10 mile mark.

Then at the weekend I'll be heading back down to Southsea for my 16-18 mile walk. Must be mad!!

All for a great cause. I now have my bra which I need to get some sequins stuck on. I have ordered some pink sparkly fabric from ebay to make a little skirt on the bottom to cover up the spare tyre!

Just need to get hold of some fabric glue!

I will update after my Thursday walk presuming I haven't got heatstroke ;-)

Monday 20 April 2009

I only did 12 miles

And I can't move! Just goes to show what not doing any walking for 3 weeks does!

I went down to Southsea and it was beautiful. The sun was shining even if it was a bit windy. I got there for 0720 and off I went. I walked 6 lengths which was only 12 miles. I was a bit gutted as I thought it was further but nevermind!

I'm really aching today to the point that each footstep hurts but it'll be ok. I'm going to go on another walk on Thursday and then I am aiming for 16-18 miles at the weekend in preperation for the 20 mile walk the weekend after.

I need to stretch as I can't believe how much I hurt at the moment. I'm such a wimp! I did get my first thumbs up from a lady who I presume is doing the Moonwalk too. I was wearing my Cap and t-shirt just to show off what I was training for.

I'm off to grab the deep heat! Take care x